Sunday, November 6, 2011

Rev. David M. Ford did me wrong-boycot his webchurch

Rev. David M. Ford was completely wrong for banishing me from First International Church of the Web. My personal racial beliefs are none of his business (especially since I stated that I wouldn't promote segregation on his bulletin board), he is not God, and he doesn't have the moral and/or legal right to pass judgment on my white nationalist beliefs (which condemn homosexality, Judiasm, and miscegenation), especially after all of the money and time I invested in his webchurch. He and his equally sick and un-Christian followes commit sin by passing judgment on me. Also, he is totally wrong for claiming that my ordination from his organization is revoked; a lawyer has verified that he can't legally do that, since he didn't place a clause in the contract which gave him that right.


  1. Are you joking? He was absolutely right to banish you from his church. If you are a racist you should find another place to speak your falsehood. In fact try Satanism you seem more suited for it

    1. Wow tell the TRUTH!!!!!!! But all in the SAME breath, we pray for you, Brother--- Church is where racism should definitely not be!!!!!

    2. Say that to my face James Joyner, you worthless non-Christian asshole. You're the Satanist. He was totally wrong, I don't speak falsehood, and it's none of his business to tell me what groups I can be in outside of his shit hole.

  2. Andrew, you know racism is wrong. You know that Jesus came to save all. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus". Galatians 3:28.

  3. White people can and should stick together in unity; that's not sin.

  4. Indeed, Rev. David Ford has every legal right and moral right to pass judgment on you, and banish you from his organization. The Apostle Paul says, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are we not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside." 1st Corinthians 5:12. Rev. Ford is the founder of the International Church of the Web (that's my assumption) and as such, he has the authority to set forth rights and qualifications, or disqualifications he chooses. If someone is is behaving or promoting something contrary to God's Word and Dr. Ford does not take action, then he himself stands accountable to God for his lack of action in not addressing such sinful actions. I comment Dr. David Ford in his taking appropriate action in dealing with someone who is opposing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
