Friday, January 13, 2017

"Angel of Hate Infiltrates Illinois Churches" is Illegal Slander/Defamation

The article represents illegal defamation through unprivileged, injurious, false, and published lies (and must be totally removed) because I’ve suffered harm from these injurious statement because my reputation has been illegally and immorally harmed (it prevents me from obtaining employment and other needed/positive relations of all sorts). Because of their false slander I’ve been shunned by neighbors, friends, and family members, and lost work, and their statements can and will be proven to be objectively false: my site is not a white supremacist site, I am not a self-proclaimed minister (and am ordained by multiple organizations, not that it’s any of the author’s business), I can do what I want with my pictures (which are my personal property), and the writer made false statements about me by alleging my name isn’t my real name (which it is), that my site or those I associate with spread hate (which is a lie), and he illegally slandered me by stating "Pastors and ministers everywhere should beware" when my associations with pastors and ministers are none of his business-that statement alone is blatant defamation. I promote love, compassion, and kindness for everyone; my site is ecumenical and open to all people.

Time limits about slander don’t apply to this situation because the article remains online and continues to illegally slander me, when people go internet searches on my name (the article appears as one of the first links you come to on Google).

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